
FAQs for Tutors

Here are a few frequently asked questions from our tutors.

How can I sign up as a tutor?

To register as a tutor, simply fill out our form at https://toptutors.sg/register-as-tutor/. Alternatively, you can reach out to us via WhatsApp at 8948 5306.

Which tutor type do I belong to?

We categorise our tutors into three main groups to help you identify where you fit best:

Part-Time Tutors: This includes individuals who tutor part-time, such as A-level graduates, diploma students/graduates, or university undergraduates. University graduates and working professionals who offer tutoring alongside their main job or studies also fall into this category. If tutoring is not your primary occupation, you’re a part-time tutor.

Full-Time Tutors: If tutoring is your main occupation and primary source of income, you belong in this category. Full-time tutors typically have more experience, teaching multiple students one-on-one and often working in tuition centers where they teach groups.

Ex/Current School Teachers: This category is for those who are or have been full-time school teachers, whether in MOE schools, private institutions, or international schools.

How can I apply for tuition assignments that interest me?

It’s easy! Just visit our Telegram Channel at https://t.me/TopSGTuitionAssignments to browse available tuition assignments. When you find one that interests you, simply apply using the assignment’s code ID.

How will I know if I've been selected for a tuition assignment?

If you’re shortlisted for a tuition assignment, our friendly coordinator will reach out to you via WhatsApp to keep you informed.

Once the student or parent decides to proceed with you as their home tutor, our coordinator will confirm the selection with you and assist in scheduling the first lesson as soon as possible!

What is the agency fee?

Our agency commission fee is calculated as 40% of the total tuition fees for the first month.

Here’s how it works:

Your rate: $80 per lesson
Frequency: 2 lessons per week
Total Tuition Fees: $640 (calculated as $80 x 8 lessons)

Our Agency Commission Fee: $256 (which is 40% of $640)

Will I receive payment in advance?

No, payment is not made in advance. You will receive your payment only after the required lessons have been completed and the agency commission has been collected. This ensures that all transactions are fair and transparent for everyone involved.

How will I be paid for the tuition lessons?

After completing the first two weeks of lessons, payment will be made directly to TopTutors.sg by the clients. As the tutor, you should not collect any payments directly during this period.

Since our commission is only 40% of the first month’s total fees—one of the lowest rates in the market—we will transfer the remaining balance to you for those two weeks once the client’s payment is received. This process ensures that you are fairly compensated while we maintain competitive rates.

For all subsequent lessons, after the agency commission has been settled, you will receive payment directly from the client.

What is the minimum commitment required?

You are expected to commit to at least four weeks of tuition. If you withdraw from an assignment without a valid reason (such as illness) before completing these four weeks, you will forfeit your right to any tuition fees. In this case, the student will only need to pay 40% of the tuition fees directly to the agency.

At TopTutors.sg, we value integrity and responsibility. We expect our tutors to commit fully, especially in supporting students through their exams. Tutors who demonstrate irresponsible or unethical behavior may be blacklisted without warning. We review each situation carefully and take appropriate action as needed.

What happens to my payment if the lessons are terminated within the first month?

If you choose to end the assignment within the first month without a valid reason (such as illness, supported by evidence), and before completing at least four weeks of lessons, you will not be entitled to any tuition fees. This policy ensures that both tutors and students are committed to the agreed-upon schedule.

Can parents postpone or cancel lessons?

Yes, parents can postpone lessons, provided they give sufficient notice.

For lessons in the first month, any postponements should be communicated to TopTutors.sg via WhatsApp at +65 8948 5306 and directly to the tutor at least 24 hours before the next scheduled lesson. Exceptions are made for special circumstances, such as medical emergencies.

If sufficient notice isn’t given, a compensation fee of 50% of the lesson cost may be applied. This ensures that both the tutor and TopTutors.sg are respected for their time and commitment.

Can I postpone or cancel lessons

TopTutors.sg discourage tutors to postpone lessons unless there is a valid reason, such as suddenly falling sick or having some sort of medical emergencies.

We strongly encourage our tutors to inform the parent of any postponement of lesson at least 24 hours before the next lesson commences, and make up for the missed lesson within the next 7 working days.

At the same time, we encourage our tutors to set a healthy communication loop with the parent so both parties could understand each other’s schedule and come to a consensus regarding any postponement issue.